
Wednesday 29 January 2014

Spiritual Revelations

Xian Sheng

Xian Sheng started to experience Spiritual Revelations at the age of 40. For a period of seven days starting from 15 February (Monday) to 21 February (Sunday) in 1976, Xian Sheng woke up everyday with a different hand gesture. These gestures to invoke the power bestowed onto him are granted for Xian Sheng’s exclusive use as he embarks on his purpose to teach humanity to revert back to the original ways to pray to the Creator. Subsequently, he experienced many Spiritual Revelations throughout the year until he finally received the Prayer to pray to the Creator on 4 October 1976.

Full article here:

Brief introduction to Xian Sheng

Mr. Chew started to receive Spiritual Revelations in early 1976 at the age of 40. Prior to the Spiritual Revelations, he did not show any interest in religion and God, although he was well versed with the bible, from his school life in Anglo Chinese School. He was a worldly-wise man that lived his life to the fullest, but indulged in gambling, smoking, drinking and dancing. He would not entertain any talks on religion and God. The Spiritual Revelations changed all that and he renounced his indulgences. The Spiritual Revelations that culminated in Mr. Chew receiving the Prayer to pray to the Creator on 4 October 1976, revealed to him that he is The Disciple of God and the Deliverer of All Unclean Spirit. With a wealth of knowledge and understanding of humanity coupled with his experience as a teacher, he embarked on a quest to educate and change mankind, as he changed himself, to accept the Creator and pray to the Creator. From that day onwards, he is known as Xian Sheng.

Full article here:

Thursday 16 January 2014

The Spiritual Guidelines

The Spiritual Guidelines is a set of guidelines to help guide us to the path to Heaven. All of us are undergoing our examination in life as the purpose and reason why we are born is to test our resolve to realise and pray to the Creator, to overcome our fears in life so that we are able to think good, see good, hear good, speak good and do good. With the exception of the first guideline, that guides us to realise the existence of the Creator and pray to the Creator, and therefore spiritual in nature, the rest are fundamentally common sense and good practices that everyone should naturally be observing. Please click on the links available for a more detailed explanation of the individual guidelines.

1st - Pray to the Creator
2nd - Fear nothing except the Creator
3rd - Think good, See good, Hear good, Speak good and Do good

Xian Sheng initially gave us a few guidelines only, but over the years incorporated the rest as and when the need came up. The first three spiritual guidelines are essentially the most important ones that are applicable to everyone in this world.

4th - To understand and practice Sacrifice, Honour, Respect, Patience, Perseverance and Trust

Reminds all of us to practice good conduct when dealing with our fellow brothers and sisters all over the world. Practicing sacrifice reinforces the 2nd guideline to fear nothing except the Creator. The rest reinforces the 3rd guideline on speaking good and doing good.

5th - To acquire Knowledge and Understanding

Stressed on the importance of acquiring knowledge and understanding, both spiritual and general by lifelong learning and reading. A knowledgeable person and an understanding person would have a wider perspective of life and understands his or her place in it. He or she understands the intricacies of life and how to manage them. It therefore reinforces the 3rd guideline on thinking good, seeing good and hearing good.

6th - To follow 100% Baitiangong way of Obsequies
7th - To follow 100% Baitiangong way of Marriage

The guidelines on obsequies and marriage were introduced as these ceremonies, particularly the Chinese rites and rituals are riddled with superstition and ignorance. The business community had over the years introduced more elaborate and expensive ceremonies, making marriage and obsequies/funeral an expensive affair. Xian Sheng introduced a simple, low cost and practical way that the brothers and sisters can conduct on their own, thus eliminating superstition, ignorance and unnecessary costing. The main purpose of these two guidelines is to reinforce the 1st guideline that man should only pray to the Creator as it is a common practice to pray to the deceased during obsequies and offer tea to deceased during a marriage ceremony.

8th - To accept the Baitiangong guidelines on sexual relationships

The sexual guideline helps to guide everyone from going against the Divine Law of Nature. Although sex between two consenting heterosexual couple is beautiful and pleasurable, it is also the most widely abused and misunderstood part of life. Going against the sexual guideline is a sin and that is why Xian Sheng says that our spiritual guidelines also have rules.

9th - To adhere to a 24-hour obligatory fasting without food and water annually

A 24-hour fasting is compulsory for Baitiangong adherents only. Fasting without food and water voluntarily for a 24-hour period is a daunting task for most people. However, if we are to call ourselves as people who pray to the Creator, we should at least be able to adhere to this guideline. However, adherents with medical conditions and pregnant ladies are exempted from observing the 24-hour fasting. It is a known fact that fasting helps a person in many ways. However, if we donate the money that we saved on food for that 24-hour period, we would also gain spiritual points for our soul. Therefore, anyone can also practice this guideline as well. When we fast, we are reminded to abstain from doing bad and therefore reinforces the 3rd guideline, i.e. Think good, See good, Hear good, Speak good and Do good.

10th - To accept and believe in Xian Sheng as the Disciple of God and the Deliverer of All Unclean Spirits

The final guideline is an affirmation that whatever Xian Sheng taught us is for the betterment of our soul while we undergo our examination in life and eventually die to live - in Heaven or Hell. Xian Sheng places importance in saving our souls rather than the body, and his actions have caused some people to question his priorities for his followers. By accepting and believing that Xian Sheng came to us to teach us to save our soul, we would not doubt him and his teachings as we do not have the insights as he does in the Divine Law of Nature.

The Spiritual Guidelines is not exclusive to the brothers and sisters of our spiritual movement, but applicable to everyone in this world. Xian Sheng specifically mentioned that he did not come to give us rules and regulations, but certain guidelines. The Spiritual Guidelines is therefore unique as the guidelines are universal, with the exception of the last guideline, that can guide all of mankind to leave the Vicious Cycle of Reincarnation and go to Heaven. The Spiritual Guidelines show us that the examination in life is achievable by everyone if we are willing to follow it. We do not have to do anything out of the ordinary to follow the Spiritual Guidelines. The 1st guideline is already practiced by the adherents of other monotheistic religions all over the world. It is the 2nd and 3rd guideline that requires courage, determination and effort to practice. Even if we cannot follow these guidelines, we would not be committing any sins. However, if anyone were to go against these guidelines, irrespective of our religious faith or even an atheist, we would still have to pay for them in the afterlife.

Read more here

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Cloning and Genetic Engineering. BUSM View

Baitiangong Universal Spiritual Movement (BUSM) view on Human Reproductive Cloning

Since April 1999, Xian Sheng has emphasised that BUSM will not accept such technology, no matter what the advantages are for society. The main reason being Human Reproductive Cloning breaches the Divine Law of Nature.

1. Breach of the Divine Law of Nature:

a. We realise the Divine Law of Nature exists. Xian Sheng taught this concept to us as simplified in the following example: We realise that it is the Creator’s wish that we exist on Earth, this is because the conditions such as Earth's protective atmosphere, Earth's distance from the sun, Earth's temperature and other conditions, are suitable for human civilisations to grow and develop. We understand that the Divine Law of Nature provides us with suitable conditions.

b. Similarly, we know that the development of our human body and abilities at the genetic level are provided for under the Divine Law of Nature.

c. Human Reproductive Cloning interferes with the Divine Law of Nature. Human Reproductive Cloning would result in:
i) Loss of genetic variations,
ii) The possibility of compromising individualities,
iii) Children having only one parent's genetic makeup rather than being genetically connected to both parents.

2. The breach in the Divine Law of Nature will bring about adverse and stabilising reaction. An example of this is AIDS. Sometime in the late seventies, Xian Sheng read in the news about the acceptance of homosexuality in society, he said that the Divine Law of Nature will react by producing a virus that will counter this breach in the natural order. True enough the existence of HIV's was confirmed a few years after Xian Sheng's warning. Similarly, we believe that the cloned humans will be subjected to an unknown nature's adverse reaction.

3. Single parenthood will flourish as reproductive cloning only requires the genetic material from one individual.

4. The concept of producing a clone that can provide replacement organs to the cloned person can be avoided altogether as Human Therapeutic Cloning can meet the same objective. Furthermore, it is not necessary that the clone will agree to donate any organs to the originally cloned person.

5. Bereavement is a part of our examination in life. We should learn to accept that the soul is more important than our physical body. Likewise, the loss of a loved one is actually not a loss at all. Upon the death of the body, the soul simply moves on to the spiritual plane. A clone of a loved one cannot bring the soul back. The clone of the loved one is certainly not the same person.

6. Human clones may encounter discrimination and a pariah race created. Clones will be subject to a completely new physiological landscape and threat. The unknown negative social effects will unavoidably surface if Human Reproductive Cloning succeeds.

7. Many perverse intentions and aspirations become viable such as cloning a famous personality with or without their agreement, cloning self with the gruesome intention of harvesting body parts from a slave clone, creating clones for the sake of continuing a physical legacy and more.

Read more here:

Friday 10 January 2014

The Creation of the Universe

The creation of the universe is a consciousness of the Creator that appeared instantaneously into the universe we are familiar with today. However, Xian Sheng dissected this instant of creation so that we can better understand and appreciate creation. Once again, creation did not happen in the sequential order as explained.

The Creator created Nothing that has infinite dimensions that would become the space for all the celestial bodies within our universe. Nothing was completely void of any matter, radiation, energy and space-time.

All the gases known and unknown to us was created next within Nothing. All these gases were given life force energy and they became alive, with a mind that has a low-level intelligence and consciousness. They were however dormant and not vibrating or moving.

Next, these gases were imbued with external life force energy and all these gases started to move simultaneously and collide with each other and these collisions resulted in enormous explosions throughout Nothing. The external life force energy serves as an inspiration for these gases to collide, explode and formed themselves into matter making up the suns, planets and moons that would form the solar systems for intelligent beings like us to inhabit; the galaxies with its black holes, white holes, asteroids, comets, nebulas; and all and more than that. All these celestial bodies remained stationary and without a purpose.

By thought, the Creator gave consciousness in the form of predetermined consciousness to all these celestial bodies in space and everything knows its purpose and started spinning and rotating. The moon(s) spin on its axis while rotating around their respective planet; the planets spin on its axis while rotating around their sun; the solar systems rotates around the centre of their galaxy and galaxies rotates around the centre of their clusters; all the while moving farther and farther away from each other. All the matter that is in our present universe was created in that instant of creation.

Creation is still on-going with old stars ending in huge supernova explosions and new stars forming from the dust and debris of these supernova explosions. Black holes that hold the galaxies together and spinning perpetually, also acts like a rubbish chute for space debris. White holes on the other hand spews out energy and matter to replenish the galaxies and to form new galaxies.

Consciousness that gave awareness and purpose to all matter is also the driving force of the universe. The four fundamental forces – gravity, electromagnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear; and the laws of physics like thermodynamics, electrostatic, Newtonian, chemistry and all and more than that, exist because of consciousness in all matter. Including the spiritual laws that are not mentioned in this article, we call them collectively as The Divine Law of Nature. Immediately after the creation of the universe, the Divine Law of Nature took over the growth of the universe. The intervention of the Creator to direct the growth of the universe and everything in it is not necessary, as all matter possess its predetermined consciousness.

Read more here:

Monday 25 November 2013

The Spiritual Guidelines. No.1 - Pray to the Creator

The first and most important of all guidelines guide us to pray to the Creator. The Creator has given man a mind capable of analysing facts, logical thinking to differentiate between fact and fiction, and reasoning capabilities to think beyond available facts.

Man is endowed with free consciousness, but with that freedom, also exposed to good consciousness and evil consciousness. Man is required to use his mind to choose between good and evil, right and wrong, and the ultimate question, does the Creator exist?

According to Xian Sheng, the people in China prays to the Creator over five thousand years ago. The only way to pray to the Creator is by kneeling down, hands clasped together and eyes facing skywards. This is the highest form of respect that we can accord to the Creator of Heaven and Hell, the universe, the dimensions, our mind, body and soul, and all and more than that.

Read more here:

Wednesday 6 November 2013

The Vicious Cycle of Reincarnation

The Vicious Cycle of Reincarnation
A term in Baitiangong that describes how the soul is trapped in a repetitive cycle of birth, physical death, suffering in Hell and rebirth again.

The popular belief that the soul undergoes reincarnation to experience life or to improve from previous lives or karma is not true.

The soul goes through the reincarnation cycle because it fails to pass its examination in life. Before a soul is reborn again, it will have to suffer punishment in Hell for any sins committed. Sometimes, a soul is reincarnated immediately.

Our soul does not have the privilege to choose who and where to reincarnate. Our soul may reincarnate on Earth or another world, as a male or female, healthy or handicap, rich or poor, in any skin colour or most importantly, into a family that prays to the Creator or not.

Regardless, he or she will not remember their previous lives. They will also not carry the burden or sins from their previous life, as they will start out on a clean slate. However, they may undergo the examination that they failed in past lives.

Read more here. The Vicious Cycle of Reincarnation