
Wednesday 15 January 2014

Cloning and Genetic Engineering. BUSM View

Baitiangong Universal Spiritual Movement (BUSM) view on Human Reproductive Cloning

Since April 1999, Xian Sheng has emphasised that BUSM will not accept such technology, no matter what the advantages are for society. The main reason being Human Reproductive Cloning breaches the Divine Law of Nature.

1. Breach of the Divine Law of Nature:

a. We realise the Divine Law of Nature exists. Xian Sheng taught this concept to us as simplified in the following example: We realise that it is the Creator’s wish that we exist on Earth, this is because the conditions such as Earth's protective atmosphere, Earth's distance from the sun, Earth's temperature and other conditions, are suitable for human civilisations to grow and develop. We understand that the Divine Law of Nature provides us with suitable conditions.

b. Similarly, we know that the development of our human body and abilities at the genetic level are provided for under the Divine Law of Nature.

c. Human Reproductive Cloning interferes with the Divine Law of Nature. Human Reproductive Cloning would result in:
i) Loss of genetic variations,
ii) The possibility of compromising individualities,
iii) Children having only one parent's genetic makeup rather than being genetically connected to both parents.

2. The breach in the Divine Law of Nature will bring about adverse and stabilising reaction. An example of this is AIDS. Sometime in the late seventies, Xian Sheng read in the news about the acceptance of homosexuality in society, he said that the Divine Law of Nature will react by producing a virus that will counter this breach in the natural order. True enough the existence of HIV's was confirmed a few years after Xian Sheng's warning. Similarly, we believe that the cloned humans will be subjected to an unknown nature's adverse reaction.

3. Single parenthood will flourish as reproductive cloning only requires the genetic material from one individual.

4. The concept of producing a clone that can provide replacement organs to the cloned person can be avoided altogether as Human Therapeutic Cloning can meet the same objective. Furthermore, it is not necessary that the clone will agree to donate any organs to the originally cloned person.

5. Bereavement is a part of our examination in life. We should learn to accept that the soul is more important than our physical body. Likewise, the loss of a loved one is actually not a loss at all. Upon the death of the body, the soul simply moves on to the spiritual plane. A clone of a loved one cannot bring the soul back. The clone of the loved one is certainly not the same person.

6. Human clones may encounter discrimination and a pariah race created. Clones will be subject to a completely new physiological landscape and threat. The unknown negative social effects will unavoidably surface if Human Reproductive Cloning succeeds.

7. Many perverse intentions and aspirations become viable such as cloning a famous personality with or without their agreement, cloning self with the gruesome intention of harvesting body parts from a slave clone, creating clones for the sake of continuing a physical legacy and more.

Read more here:

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