
Monday 25 November 2013

The Spiritual Guidelines. No.1 - Pray to the Creator

The first and most important of all guidelines guide us to pray to the Creator. The Creator has given man a mind capable of analysing facts, logical thinking to differentiate between fact and fiction, and reasoning capabilities to think beyond available facts.

Man is endowed with free consciousness, but with that freedom, also exposed to good consciousness and evil consciousness. Man is required to use his mind to choose between good and evil, right and wrong, and the ultimate question, does the Creator exist?

According to Xian Sheng, the people in China prays to the Creator over five thousand years ago. The only way to pray to the Creator is by kneeling down, hands clasped together and eyes facing skywards. This is the highest form of respect that we can accord to the Creator of Heaven and Hell, the universe, the dimensions, our mind, body and soul, and all and more than that.

Read more here:

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