
Friday 10 January 2014

The Creation of the Universe

The creation of the universe is a consciousness of the Creator that appeared instantaneously into the universe we are familiar with today. However, Xian Sheng dissected this instant of creation so that we can better understand and appreciate creation. Once again, creation did not happen in the sequential order as explained.

The Creator created Nothing that has infinite dimensions that would become the space for all the celestial bodies within our universe. Nothing was completely void of any matter, radiation, energy and space-time.

All the gases known and unknown to us was created next within Nothing. All these gases were given life force energy and they became alive, with a mind that has a low-level intelligence and consciousness. They were however dormant and not vibrating or moving.

Next, these gases were imbued with external life force energy and all these gases started to move simultaneously and collide with each other and these collisions resulted in enormous explosions throughout Nothing. The external life force energy serves as an inspiration for these gases to collide, explode and formed themselves into matter making up the suns, planets and moons that would form the solar systems for intelligent beings like us to inhabit; the galaxies with its black holes, white holes, asteroids, comets, nebulas; and all and more than that. All these celestial bodies remained stationary and without a purpose.

By thought, the Creator gave consciousness in the form of predetermined consciousness to all these celestial bodies in space and everything knows its purpose and started spinning and rotating. The moon(s) spin on its axis while rotating around their respective planet; the planets spin on its axis while rotating around their sun; the solar systems rotates around the centre of their galaxy and galaxies rotates around the centre of their clusters; all the while moving farther and farther away from each other. All the matter that is in our present universe was created in that instant of creation.

Creation is still on-going with old stars ending in huge supernova explosions and new stars forming from the dust and debris of these supernova explosions. Black holes that hold the galaxies together and spinning perpetually, also acts like a rubbish chute for space debris. White holes on the other hand spews out energy and matter to replenish the galaxies and to form new galaxies.

Consciousness that gave awareness and purpose to all matter is also the driving force of the universe. The four fundamental forces – gravity, electromagnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear; and the laws of physics like thermodynamics, electrostatic, Newtonian, chemistry and all and more than that, exist because of consciousness in all matter. Including the spiritual laws that are not mentioned in this article, we call them collectively as The Divine Law of Nature. Immediately after the creation of the universe, the Divine Law of Nature took over the growth of the universe. The intervention of the Creator to direct the growth of the universe and everything in it is not necessary, as all matter possess its predetermined consciousness.

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