
Monday 25 November 2013

The Spiritual Guidelines. No.1 - Pray to the Creator

The first and most important of all guidelines guide us to pray to the Creator. The Creator has given man a mind capable of analysing facts, logical thinking to differentiate between fact and fiction, and reasoning capabilities to think beyond available facts.

Man is endowed with free consciousness, but with that freedom, also exposed to good consciousness and evil consciousness. Man is required to use his mind to choose between good and evil, right and wrong, and the ultimate question, does the Creator exist?

According to Xian Sheng, the people in China prays to the Creator over five thousand years ago. The only way to pray to the Creator is by kneeling down, hands clasped together and eyes facing skywards. This is the highest form of respect that we can accord to the Creator of Heaven and Hell, the universe, the dimensions, our mind, body and soul, and all and more than that.

Read more here:

Wednesday 6 November 2013

The Vicious Cycle of Reincarnation

The Vicious Cycle of Reincarnation
A term in Baitiangong that describes how the soul is trapped in a repetitive cycle of birth, physical death, suffering in Hell and rebirth again.

The popular belief that the soul undergoes reincarnation to experience life or to improve from previous lives or karma is not true.

The soul goes through the reincarnation cycle because it fails to pass its examination in life. Before a soul is reborn again, it will have to suffer punishment in Hell for any sins committed. Sometimes, a soul is reincarnated immediately.

Our soul does not have the privilege to choose who and where to reincarnate. Our soul may reincarnate on Earth or another world, as a male or female, healthy or handicap, rich or poor, in any skin colour or most importantly, into a family that prays to the Creator or not.

Regardless, he or she will not remember their previous lives. They will also not carry the burden or sins from their previous life, as they will start out on a clean slate. However, they may undergo the examination that they failed in past lives.

Read more here. The Vicious Cycle of Reincarnation